Online Training: OpenText Capture Validation for SAP VIM & Beyond Invoices

Stop training the system incorrectly and finally get what you hoped for from the capture component of VIM. 


“Highly recommended to any OT consultant. Informative, precise and quick.” – Dana K.

As an SAP VIM consultant, I have analysed OpenText’s capture products and the associated validation in numerous projects around the world. Over the course of time, I have noticed numerous points that are misunderstood, done incorrectly and often set up incorrectly.

In some cases, the training does not work because the training is wrong or because different users train differently and thereby confuse the system. In some cases, the training does not work because the training was simply forgotten to be activated or because it does not work for technical reasons. Whatever the reason, the situation is disappointing for users, project management, IT and management. The potential of the solution cannot be realised and the question is why. Interested in some answers? 

In this course you will learn how to use the Validation Client to train the system properly and sustainably without doing the same thing over and over again.

Do any of the following problems sound familiar?

  • The system doesn’t feel like it learns anything, even though the same layout has already been trained 4 or more times
  • Suppliers, customers, company codes and other business entities have to be re-learnt for each document without the system learning anything.
  • The system does not recognise line data at page breaks and does not learn.
  • Some values can not be trained correctly in the validation client as they stand too close to other information
  • You have a document which needs to be validated all the time even tough it gets extracted perfectly every time

Learn the basics of the Validation Client and how to train documents quickly and easily and achieve improved training results.


5 sections • 13 lectures • 1h 21m total length


In a nutshell: Who am I, where do I live (perhaps you can already guess from my accent), what do I do, what is my background and why can I help you?

Official Manuals

This may sound boring at first, but it can quickly and easily lead to better results, usually free of charge. In this chapter, I will briefly explain how you can access the official product documentation, download it in .pdf format and share it with the team if this is not already the case.

Depending on whether your solution was purchased through SAP or OpenText, the path will look slightly different, but I’ll show you how to do it.

Using the Validation Client

We start with the absolute basics with dos and donts and best practice approaches. This will give every new user a kickstart and experienced users will learn some important subtleties.

We’ll explain why you should never mix head and position training data again.

With challenging formats and line breaks, we’ll look at how to validate most effectively and how to save a lot of work when entering tables.

There are many misunderstandings when identifying business entities (e.g. company codes, suppliers, customers, etc.). Often the correct business partner is selected in the validation client but the system never seems to learn. There is a reason for this!

In some cases you validate documents with excellent recognition results over and over again … that does not have to be! There are ways and means of reducing the validation effort step by step. Step one however is correct training.


Administrators, but also key users and interested validators can find a lot of background information in the Inbound Administration, a sub-item in the VIM Central Workplace (/OTX/PF03_WP). For example, what does the email from which this document originates look like? Why can’t I find my document?

In some cases it makes sense to reset the learning results for a specific document layout. With all newer versions this can be done quickly and easily (but not necessarily intuitively). In most cases, the reset is done by IT while the business department recognizes when a layout should be reset. I’ll show you how to build effective communication to start from scratch when it makes sense.

Finally, we’ll look at how to actually assign edits to specific documents for validation. And that without a transport request. We will also look at the possibilities for advanced processing.

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